Make a Tax Deductible Contribution to The People’s Place
We are raising funds to support the eventual purchase of a building in Asheville, NC, within which to set up The People’s Place AVL project.
Your contribution will enable us to:
* begin accumulating the necessary funds to make a downpayment on a building
* hire a crowdsourcing support firm that will work with us to develop a plan to raise the funds necessary to buy a building
* prepare the various materials (website, videos, etc.) necessary for a successful crowdsourcing campaign
* enable members of The People’s Place Core Team to pursue this work part-time with some compensation for their time
Our fiscal agent is Eagle Market Street Development Corporation CDC (EMSDC), an IRS Recognized 501(c)(3), chartered in the State of NC as a Charitable Organization, permitted to solicit. Contributions received by EMSDC on behalf of The People’s Place AVL are tax deductible, as allowed under the IRS. Your receipt will show a transaction with Eagle Market Street in the amount of your contribution. EMSDC’s EIN# is available upon request. We appreciate your contribution!
If you prefer to contribute by check, you can send them to 39 South Market St. Suite C, Asheville, NC 28801. Make checks payable to EMSDC Community Benefit, and be sure to put “For The People’s Place” in the memo.
(If this contribution form is hard to navigate on your device, you can also access it here.)